
Mariarita Costanza selezionata da Digitalic: sarà una delle quindici donne della lista “Digiwomen 2017”


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Un altro riconoscimento speciale che ci onora particolarmente: la nostra Mariarita Costanza è stata eletta da Digitalic tra le 15 donne più influenti nel digitale in Italia. E’ con vero piacere che condividiamo anche questo traguardo con tutte le persone che hanno creduto in questo sogno chiamato “Murgia Valley“.

GRAZIE a tutti!

 Zucchetti – Il software che crea successo


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Solar Panels

In the project of the new headquarters, we made a conscious and important decision for the future of the company and the environment: we implemented a system of 1400 m2 of photovoltaic panels.

An eco-sustainable choice allows us to achieve a good level of energy independence and to play an active part in the promotion of the environmental sustainability.

Photovoltaic panels generate up to 200kWp of clean energy, reducing harmful emissions and environmental impact.

We strongly believe in the balance between technological innovation and environmental responsibility, and for this reason we have chosen to be a cutting-edge technological hub, committed to finding sustainable solutions for a better future.

Popup Building Pannelli Fotovoltaici EN