
Macnil Zucchetti Invites you to Transpotec of Verona: the exhibition of transport and logistics


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Macnil – Zucchetti Group will be featured April 16 to 19 at the Fair Transpotec of Verona, the main hall of the Italian logistics and transport.

The sector is now evolving rapidly: in 2013 recorded a jump of 19% with a turnover of 54.4 million Euros and a fleet of over 130 thousand vehicles.

The strength of Macnil – Zucchetti Group in this area is to offer to the public telematics solutions that increase the safety of drivers and monitor the activities of repair and body shops. The reliability of our company, as a certified partner Telecom Italy, is guaranteed by Customer continues and devices for measuring and controlling fuel, for a significant savings in business costs, and devices to handle the load containerized goods, trains and trailers conveniently via web or smartphone.

For a demonstration of how our services can help many companies save time and resources, please come and stand D2.7 9V pavilion where we will present our best solutions for your business: Remote Angel Fleet, Cargo, Power, Plans Activities and InfoSmartcity.

Please register here.

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Pannelli Solari

Durante la progettazione della nuova sede è stata presa una decisione consapevole e importante per il futuro dell’azienda e dell’ambiente: abbiamo implementato un sistema di 1400 m2 di pannelli fotovoltaici. Una scelta ecosostenibile ci permette di raggiungere un buon livello di indipendenza energetica e di promuovere attivamente la sostenibilità ambientale. I pannelli fotovoltaici generano fino a 200kWp di energia pulita, riducendo le emissioni nocive e l’impatto ambientale.

Crediamo fortemente nell’equilibrio tra innovazione tecnologica e responsabilità ambientale, e per questo abbiamo scelto di essere un polo tecnologico all’avanguardia, impegnato nella ricerca di soluzioni sostenibili per un futuro migliore.

building pannelli solari